Plan your trip to school
There are a number of ways to plan your trip, look up times or check for travel alerts online.
To pay your fare on Newcastle Transport you need an Opal card or Opal single ticket. Find out more about Opal cards and fares.
Real time information is displayed at light rail stops.
Information is displayed at bus stops confirming location, route numbers, route direction and bus departure times. When you see the bus, hail the driver by putting your hand out and clearly signalling the bus.
You can also contact the Transport Information line on 131 500 to talk to someone or visit the Newcastle Transport Hub to speak to a customer service officer in person.
Our customer service officers often travel on the network and will be pleased to help you.
Being courteous makes using public transport more enjoyable for everyone
When travelling with Newcastle Transport, we thank you for following these simple tips:
For more information on travel offences and when fines apply, visit
Travelling with animals and pets
Approved assistance animals are allowed on Newcastle Transport.
Pets may be allowed to travel on light rail, buses, ferries if confined in a box, basket or other container as required by the NSW Passenger Transport Act and regulations. However, permission is still required by staff or the bus driver.
Guide, hearing, police and security dogs do not require a permit
When boarding public transport with a pet or other animal, please be aware that:
On ferries, animals should not travel in the enclosed ferry cabin areas, unless the vessel does not have an outdoor area or it is unavailable.
Travelling with bike and boards
On Newcastle light rail
Standard bicycles are not allowed on Newcastle light rail for safety reasons, however fold up bicycles are permitted. You can also take surfboards free of charge at any time and you can place them in the dedicated surfboard racks available in each carriage.
There are many cycling paths in the Newcastle CBD
On buses
Bicycles cannot be taken on buses because they are difficult to stow without
inconveniencing or potentially endangering other passengers.
Surfboards can be taken on board, although the driver may refuse if the service is at capacity.
On ferries
Bicycles and surfboards are permitted on the Stockton Ferry and there are special storage areas for bicycles and surfboards. Ask the crew where they are located. For safety reasons you must remain with or near your bike during the journey.
However, the crew can refuse to allow a bike on board if there is a safety concern or not enough room for it to be safely stowed on board.
NightOwl services
All late night services in the Opal network accept Opal cards and most are wheelchair accessible.
You can use Trip Planner or a transport app to plan your late night travel.
Newcastle light rail services
Light rail services in Newcastle operate between 5am and 1am, daily.
Find a timetable or plan your trip.
NightOwl bus services
Extra late night buses run on weekends with services around local hot spots.
The NightOwl buses run after midnight and throughout the early hours of the morning in Newcastle on weekends.
NightOwl bus services run on Friday and Saturday nights only.
NightOwl bus routes
The following services run in one direction from the departure points.
Number | Departure point | Service direction and locations |
11 | Queens Wharf |
Newcastle to Jesmond via Newcastle West, Beaumont Street, Hamilton, Islington, Mayfield, University of Newcastle (Callaghan) |
12 | Merewether Beach |
Merewether Beach to Maryland via The Junction, Marketown, Newcastle West, Beaumont Street, Hamilton, Waratah, North Lambton, Jesmond, Wallsend |
13 | Queens Wharf |
Newcastle to Glendale via Newcastle West, Beaumont Street, Hamilton, Broadmeadow, New Lambton, John Hunter Hospital, Cardiff |
14 | Queens Wharf |
Newcastle to Swansea Heads via Darby Street, The Junction, Adamstown, Kotara, Charlestown, Jewells, Belmont, Blacksmiths, Swansea, Caves Beach |
55N | Queens Wharf |
Queens Wharf to Stockton |
Ferry services
The ferry operates from:
The route 55N picks up passengers to the end of Beaumont Street, and then sets down passengers in the Stockton area.
You can use Trip Planner or a transport app to plan your late night travel.
We prioritise safety for our customers and our staff. When travelling on Newcastle Transport, stay alert and don’t be distracted. Allow plenty of travel time and slow down to avoid slips and falls
Safety when travelling by light rail
Light rail stops and platforms
Boarding and travelling on the light rail
Security on the light rail
All light rail vehicles and platforms have CCTV cameras and Emergency Help Points installed for the protection of passengers and staff.
Our Customer Service Officers regularly travel on light rail vehicles and stops.
If you need immediate help, contact the police on 000 or use the Emergency Help Points.
If you see something, say something
By reporting security incidents, unattended items or suspicious behaviour, you can help us respond to any immediate problems and make it safer for everyone.
Call 000 or contact the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400.
CCTV and Emergency Help Points
For your personal security, Newcastle Transport Customer Service Officers regularly travel on trams, all tram drivers are directly connected to our operations centre, and many trams are equipped with CCTV cameras.
On all Newcastle light rail vehicles and at each light rail stop, Emergency Help Points are available and CCTV cameras are installed.
If you press an Emergency Help Point at any light rail stop, you’re visible on live CCTV and can get assistance from a trained operator.
If you press an Emergency Help Point on board the light rail, the driver will assist you and contact the control centre.
A security control centre operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, with communication links to transport officers, police and emergency services.
Safety when travelling by bus
Follow these tips to travel safely by bus:
If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, or in an emergency, please:
Safety when travelling by ferry
Follow these tips to travel safely by ferry:
If you are concerned about your safety or the safety of others, or in an emergency, please:
Security on buses and ferries
All Newcastle Transport ferries and most buses are equipped with CCTV cameras. Police and Transport Officers regularly patrol buses, interchanges, ferries and wharves. If you need immediate help, contact the police on 000, talk to the bus driver, crew member or customer service officers.
If you see something, say something.
By reporting security incidents, unattended items or suspicious behaviour, you can help us respond to any immediate problems and make it safer for everyone. Call 000 or contact the National Security Hotline on 1800 123 400
If you notice a vandal damaging carriages, vehicles, vessels, shelters or facilities notify Newcastle Transport staff immediately or call the police on 000. If you have information regarding vandals, you can report it anonymously to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000. Threatening, offensive or unsafe behaviours are not tolerated and fines may apply.
If you feel unwell
In an emergency, call 000.
If you are not feeling well or you see someone who looks like they need help, speak to bus driver or security staff where available and they will help to arrange medical assistance.
At large transport interchanges, use the Emergency Help Points.
Please do not board the bus or ferry if you’re not feeling well at the stop or wharf. We will be able to get help to you much quicker this way.